Chiffon hijabs have become amongst the most popular fabrics to wear. The fabric is light-weight, soft and delicate, making it an elegant touch to any outfit. However, stain removal from such a delicate fabric has proven to be burdensome, especially if the hijab is light coloured.
No matter who you are, or where you go. Staining your hijab is a part of life. You won’t know when it’s coming but it’s bound to happen. A stain can turn a good meal into a hijab disaster, the type of disaster that happens when the foods you love -- and trust -- run amok all over your precious hijab. It's amazing how a little Alfredo sauce can breathe life into a forkful of tortellini -- or completely destroy a chiffon hijab.
stains on your chiffon hijab, hijab stain

What you'll need:
Laundry detergent
Spot cleaning stain remover (optional)
Dishwashing soap
Baking soda (optional)
A large bowl
A small bowl
Soft Toothbrush
What to do:
STEP 1 -
Fill a large bowl with lukewarm water.
STEP 2 -
Add ¼ cup of laundry detergent and mix well.
STEP 3 -
Add a little bit of baking soda to the mixture Optional step: use a spot cleaner to lift the stain to make it easier to get off.
STEP 4 -
In a small bowl, mix some dishwashing soap and baking soda together
STEP 5 -
Use the toothbrush and the mixture in the small bowl to gently rub at the stain.
STEP 6 -
After releasing some of the stain, place the whole hijab in the large bowl for 30 min.
STEP 7 -
After 30 min, gently massage and rub the hijab while it is submerged in the water.
STEP 8 -
Drain all of the water and refill it with cold water and let it sit for 10 min.
STEP 9 -
After 10 min, gently but thoroughly rinse the hijab under running lukewarm water.
STEP 10 -
Hang the hijab to dry and make sure to hang the hijab flat to avoid any wrinkles.
This should remove the stain, however if the stain is still visible, repeat steps 5-10.
We hope these tips help you make the most of your chiffon hijabs. If you have any further questions or tips please share them with us. We look forward to reading all your comments!
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